State Tourism Agency highlights country’s tourism in post-pandemic [PHOTO]


By Laman Ismayilova

The State Tourism Agency has organized a conference to discuss
Azerbaijan’s tourism in the post-pandemic period, Azernews reports,
citing the agency’s website.

Speaking at the conference, the chairman of the State Tourism
Agency Fuad Naghiyev said that the socio-economic development
strategy of Azerbaijan from 2022 to 2026 will give a new breath to
the recovery of the tourism sector after the pandemic.

The head of the Tourism Agency said that the implementation of
the strategy will support the creation of new tourism and
recreation zones in the country, the elimination of seasonality in
domestic and incoming tourism, and the sustainable development of
the tourism sector.

In his speech, Fuad Naghiyev noted the State Tourism Agency’s
main work directions in the post-pandemic, including improving the
business environment and diversifying transport and communication
relations with the target tourism markets.

He underlined that the tourism workers have actively
participated in the work aimed at tourism development.

Fuad Naghiyev called on the travel agencies to take active
action to turn Azerbaijan into the best tourist destination.

Within the framework of the event, an interactive panel section
was launched on the State Tourism Agency’s website to monitor the
foreign tourist inflow.

Referring to the number of foreign citizens visiting Azerbaijan,
Head of the Agency’s Statistics and Research Sector Nijat Abbasli
compared this year’s tourist inflow with the period before the

At the same time, the results of the research project “Analysis
of Tourists’ Satisfaction and Loyalty” were presented to the
tourism workers.

The research was carried out based on tourists from the Middle
East, Northeast Asia, South Asia, and America.

The 2nd General Assembly of the Association of Azerbaijani
Tourism Agencies was held in the second part of the meeting. Within
the framework of the assembly, Goydaniz Gahramanov was elected the
chairman of the Azerbaijani Tourism Association’s Board of

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Laman Ismayilova is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on
Twitter: @Lamiva993


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