Travel tips for post-quarantine | Monitor


The Covid-19 pandemic has not only devastated economies and livelihoods and disrupted lives, but crushed many travellers’ plans as well. If you are wondering when the novel coronavirus will blow over so you can start travelling without constantly worrying about your safety, there is no concrete answer to that yet.

With this, many people’s target getaways, both abroad and domestic, have been put on hold. Some occasional travellers may have recovered quickly from the devastating halt brought upon by the global health crisis; however, to meaningful travelers, their booked and planned trips were more than just a vacation.

for those who are already itching to plan for a future trip, whether domestic or abroad, here is how you can safely resume travelling after the novel coronavirus finally begins to recede.

Maintain social distancing

This is coronavirus travel advice that just makes sense, right? After months of self-isolation and social distancing, you should be well conditioned by now on how essential it is to maintain a significant distance of at least  six  feet from other people.

Social distancing is difficult to observe on crowded flights, buses, and trains, and specific public places. As much as possible, minimise human contact and be mindful of what you touch for extra measure.

Perhaps assuming that everyone except you is positive for the virus can help you practice social distancing as if  it is second nature to you. It’s tough, but it is what can keep you safe from contracting the virus or any germs from an infected or ill person.

Be familiar with cancellation policies

Knowing cancellation policies will be one of the best tips for travel after coronavirus. The travel industry post-covid-19 is bound to provide more flexible booking and hotel cancellation policies, so brush up prior to going abroad.

Perhaps you already saw some airlines offering affordable round trip fares with travel dates several months into the future that come with a more flexible cancellation policy (such as up to two rebookings).

If you are thinking about grabbing some cheap flights post-quarantine, make sure to read the fine print about their cancellation policies before booking.

Be prepared for new outbreaks

It is a bummer, but travelers should prepare for the worst, such as an outbreak, while traveling abroad. Take note from travelers who were in the middle of their travels and couldn’t come back to their home country immediately due to the COVID-19 breakout.

Get in touch with your hotel and airline to inquire about their steps if another outbreak occurs, since you would need to stay indoors and rebook your flight until it’s clear to fly home safely.

Carry some wet wipes and alcohol

Carrying disinfectants with you is one of the top tips for travel after quarantine. When boarding a plane or riding a bus or a train, do a quick wipe routine of the surfaces around you using disinfectant wipes.

Make sure to scrub down the seat’s headrest, the back of the seat in front of you, armrests, tray table, and all other areas where infectious droplets may land and survive.

After wiping the surfaces, let it rest for a while for the disinfectant to work. Take note not to use wet wipes on soft surfaces like upholstery. Aside from it leaving the seat wet, it can also contribute in spreading the germs further.

Drink water from sealed bottles

Airplane water comes from airplane water tanks, which are not always clean. If you ask for coffee or tea while onboard a plane, it is prepared with this water and did not come from bottled water.

During or after a health crisis due to a fast-spreading droplet, it is best to avoid possible contamination through drinking water, not just in planes but also anywhere else.

Opt for sealed bottled water for safety purposes. You can also invest in an electrolytic water-purifying device that uses a brine solution to purify water. Further, if you practice a no-plastic-bottle pact, you can always ask for filtered water.

The novel coronavirus spreads and gets people infected when they touch an infected area and then touch the entry points in their faces, such as the nose, eyes, and mouth. Restricting yourself from touching your face can be quite challenging, but it is crucial to steer clear of the virus.

When you need to touch public surfaces that other people may have touched as well, like doorknobs or chairs and tables, use wet wipes or tissues to avoid direct contact.

Also, dispose of them properly after use.

Do not go anywhere if you are sick

Finally, the most import piece of coronavirus travel advice? Stay at home or in your accommodation if you feel a fever coming on.

People often focus on keeping themselves safe from contracting the virus but lose sight of another important part: preventing themselves from possibly spreading it.

When you start feeling a little bit under the weather, refrain from going out. Additionally, stay home for at least a whole day after the fever has entirely cleared before you step out.

Ask for recommendations and watch the news

Staying informed is one of those tips for travel after coronavirus that you just cannot argue with. You can check out top travel blogs for recommendations or reach out to your travel groups or communities for personal recommendations.

Travel restrictions vary per country and change periodically as new Covid-19 developments emerge. As such, it is essential to keep yourself informed and up-to-date with the latest travel advisories and news.

Check the health or tourism department websites of your chosen destination for news.


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