Nagaland Launches Initiatives To Promote Off-Road Tourism


Among the most adventurous states in India, Nagaland is set to develop itself as a destination for off-road tourism. The state has launched initiatives for the same. Here are the details. By Anushka Goel

Nagaland Tourism is set to promote the state as a destination for off-road travel, suggest reports. The state has started an initiative for the same, partnering with the extreme terrain travel pioneers Wander Beyond Boundaries (WBB) to curate the same, reports add.

Nagaland to position itself as a destination for off-road travel

The off-road tourism initiative is aimed at promoting Nagaland beyond its popular travel hubs of Dimapur and Kohima, and introduce travellers to its many villages, roads, nature, undiscovered terrains and unique local cultures. According to reports, WBB and Nagaland Tourism will allow enthusiasts to hire a 4×4 self-driven vehicle to be able to travel and explore the Northeastern terrain, the trails and routes for which have been mapped out already. These pre-set routes will allow travellers to focus on the road and the journey, without worrying about how to plan their travels. However, those who are looking for a greater adventure can self-plan their itinerary and get a peek into the local cultures and cuisines on their own.

Apart from promoting tourism in the area, this initiative is also set to boost the economy in the region. Further, the Nagaland government will be getting expert, research-based advice in terms of geography and tech from WBB to plan the odd-road trails.

The trails will help bring income to local sectors such as niche homestays and eateries, crafts centres, workshops, and more. Tourists will also be able to go on nature trails and hikes, soaking in the stunning beauty of the Northeastern state, and come back home with a basket full of memories.

You can register here for the experience.

Hero and Featured Image: Courtesy of Suraj Jadhav/Unsplash

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