Suitcase packing tips: ‘Stop rolling’ – How ‘folding’ method could help you ‘carry more’ | Travel News | Travel


Airline luggage restrictions can vary, with some airlines restricting passengers to certain weight limits, and others setting out specific suitcase sizes. For Britons preparing for their next holiday, figuring out how to get everything into their suitcase might be a struggle.

However, one Reddit user has revealed a “folding” method that they claim will enable you to “carry more” and even reduce the likelihood of wrinkled clothes.

Posting under the name MysteryMeat101, the user said they “stopped rolling” their clothes and started “folding” instead.

They explained: “I stopped rolling and folding and my clothes are less wrinkled when I arrive and I can carry more in the same space.”

Not only does the hack fit more clothes into your bag, the user also says it makes the packing process much faster.

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Speaking in her Netflix TV show, which aired in 2019, she said: “Because I fold my clothing using the KonMari Method, it’s easy for me to pack quickly the day before I travel – which is usually the case since I travel often.

“Not only does this folding technique keep clothing neat and wrinkle-free, it also maximises the space of the suitcase.”

According to the lifestyle guru, packing vertically instead of horizontally save space.

This means she stands her clothes side by side, in soldier style, as opposed to sandwiches alongside each other horizontally.

Do you have any space-saving packing tips? Share them in the comments section below.

How to do the folding method

To do the “folding” method, the Reddit user said you must fold your clothes in a sort of “pile”.

They explained: “I lay the first item on the bed or floor.

“Then I lay the next item rotated 90 degrees on top of that.

“I keep rotating 90 degrees and layering until I have everything in a pile.

“I finish with my underwear and socks on top in the middle.

“Then I fold all four corners and shove it in my suitcase.”


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